2007年11月6日 星期二

What's Up with Those Musical

Think about your favorite song. How does it make you feel? perhaps it inspire a happy memory. Or maybe it makes you feel sad, reminding you of a bittersweet experience. Have you ever wondered how music is able to do this? Why does music have such a strong effect on our emotions?

Near the center of your forehead is the part of your brain that analyzes music. Interestingly, it's behind the region that's responsible for memory and emotions. It's no wonder music and emotions are so closely tied.

Your reactions to music depend on your personal experience. Music often awakens memories from our past. The close physical connection between memory, emotion, and music creates these feelings. In a sense, the songs you know provide the soundtrack to your life!

A famous example is composer Gustav Mahler. When he was a child, his parents had a terrible argument. Gustav ran out of the house to escape the noise. He immediately heard a brass band playing. After that experience, brass music always reminded Mahler of intense emotions.

I think music has impact on our life. Near the center of your forehead is the part of your brain that analyzes music. It result in music and emotion connected. So, music can let us remind of many experience. We can't live without music.
