More than 35,000 foster children have found hope and encouragement, thanks to the kindness of one teenage girl.
Fourteen-year-old Makenzie Snyder gives duffel bags and teddy bears to foster children in America. These children have few possessions and are often shuffled between temporary homes. Makenzie also includes a personal note with each bag to encourage the kids.
When she was 7 years old, Makenzie met two foster children who kept all their belongings in a trash bag. This experience inspired her to start colletcing stuffed animals and duffel bags to send to foster children.
In 1998, Makenzie founded the organization Children to Children with the help of her older brother and parents. She soon received a $15,000 grant and raised over $50,0000 in other donations. She then created a Web site and set up an office for her organization. Money, bags, and teddy bears have been pouring in ever since.
Makenzie's story has inspired thousands of people. She's even collcted donations of stuffed animals from famous personalities like former President Bill Cliton and Oprah Winfrey.
Makenize's organization makes it easy for anyone to help. People can send donations directly to Makenzie. Or they can collect the bags and stuffed animals themselves. They can then contact their local social services office, which will distribute the donations to foster kids.
Over 530,000 children in America live in foster care. Makenzie hopes to send a duffle bag and stuffed animal to every single one of them. She often receives feedback on her Web site from other kids who want to help,too.
"You have a great heart" one young fan recently wrote to her. "You're the same age as me, but probably 50 times older in the heart!"
Makenzie is also an accomplished baton twirler who participates in national competitions. Somehow she finds time to practice her baton twirling for up to three hours a day! According to her mom, Makenzie is an excellent time manager.
Whether she's collecting stuffed animals or twiriling her baton, Makenzie gives her best. She is an inspiration to people who want to make a difference in their community.
never seen words:
1.duffel 2.foster 3.shuffle 4. belongings 5.twrirl
useful words: service 2.accomplished 3.pour in 4.distrubute 5.personality
Makenzie is a girl who has a kind heart. She concerns about the foster children that can't take their toys between temporary homes. She realizes how poor the children are. Therefore, she establishes the organization where helps the foster children to own their duffel bags and teddy bears. She has an important effect on the community.
I admire Makenize very much. She is only 14 years old. However, she has a kind heart to help the children. She collects many bags and teddy bears to give them. How kind she is. She even established a organization. She inspired many people to donate their toys for foster children. I am moved deeply by the article. People should often aid people who need to help. I want to follow the girl to donate my toys.